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To American Stamp Collectors (January) 1900 — Philippine Postage Stamps: Wholesale only, Federico C. Schenkel, Manila, English version.  10 pages.  
Catalogue of the Revenue Stamps of Spain and Colonies Including the American Occupation & Revolutionary Issues, 1902, L. W. Fulcher, BSc (London), extract of 56 pages.  Has Cuba, Porto Rico, Philippines, and Spain (Sello only).  The ONLY reference available to ID what country a Sello stamp belongs.  NEW JUN 12  
The Postage Stamps of the Philippines Including a List of Telegraph and Revenue Stamps Issued Under Spanish Dominion by J. Murray Bartels, F. Apthorp Foster, and Captain F. L. Palmer, US Army. Published 1904.  117 pages.  
The Postal Issues of the Philippines by Major F. L. Palmer, US Army Retired.  Published 1912.  89 Pages.  
Asociacion Filatelica de Filipinas, Issues #4 — #5 1937 and #2 & #5 1938, Manila (articles in both English and Spanish omit the latter language version).  
Asociacion Filatelica de Filipinas, Issues #1 & #3 1939 and the 1955 Yearbook, Manila (articles in both English and Spanish omit the latter language version).  (55 YB includes 66 pages of Postal Slogans by Esperidion and Cacho.)  
Elizalde Stamp Journal, Manila, 1939  
Elizalde Stamp Journal, Manila, 1940  
Elizalde Stamp Journal, Manila, 1941  
Japanese Occupation Stamps, Manila, 1945 (#1) Philippine Occupation Stamps by Mrs. W. E. Schmelkes, April 1945; (#2) Catalog and Album or Stamps of the Philippines Issues Under the Japanese Occupation with Vital Statistics of Every Issue, Afran Stamp Company, Summer 1945; (#3) Price List of Stamps of the Philippines Issued Under the Japanese Occupation with Vital Information of Every Issue, Afran Stamp Company, 1945    
Asociacion Filatelica de Filipinas, 1952 Yearbook, Manila (a few articles in Spanish).  Includes a 24-page article on the stamps of the Third Republic Period (1946 to 1952) by Professor Emilio del Prado.    
Stamp and Philatelic Division, Bureau of Posts, Manila, Philippine Journal of Philately, (#1) Sep-Oct 1961; (more to come)    
Fiscal Stamps of the Philippines:  Handbook-Catalogue, 1856 to Date By Arnold H. Warren, A. P. S., compiled from 10 issues of The American Philatelist, Oct 1967 to Jul 1968.  ARA copy scanned (non-searchable) by Ernesto Cuesta and cropped by the IPPS.  
Philippine Philatelic Society Journal, UK, 2002-4, Whole Numbers 63 to 67
Catalogue of Philippine Postal Slogan Cancels (1904 to 1970) Compiled by Hans-Werner Becker, 2016 (175 pages in 5 parts) NEW JAN 17
Catalogue of Philippine Postal Slogan Cancels, Volume I, Part II (1920 to 1970) Compiled by Hans-Werner Becker, 2021 (23 pages) NEW NOV 21
Catalogue of Philippine Postal Slogan Cancels, Volume I, Part II (1920 to 1970) Compiled by Hans-Werner Becker, 2017 (23 pages) NEW APR 18
Philippine Postal Slogan Cancels, Volume I (1904 to 1968) Compiled by Hans-Werner Becker, 2009 (181 pages)  
A Catalog of Philippine Papeles Sellados 1700-1899 By Douglas K. Lehmann, DRAFT 2004 (with minor corrections 2010 and significant change to TABLE III, 2013)  
Faux Falls for Filipinos The 1932 Philippines Design Disaster by Douglas K. Lehmann, American Philatelist, March 2005  
Spanish-Philippine Stamp Forgeries, Volume I, Queen Isabella II, 1854 - 1864 by Nigel Gooding, May 2006 NEW FEB 13  
Spanish Philippines - Alfonso XIII - 1890 to 1897 - Specialised Catalogue - Constant Plate Flaws (Key Varieties) by Mike Palmer, February 2023 NEW MAY 23  
Postal History of the Japanese Prisoners of War in the Philippines and of their War Crimes Trials by Gene M. Labiuk, 2022 NEW NOV 23  
Catalog Philippines Commercial Overprints by Bill Oliver, Philippine Philatelic Journal (extract), 3rd Qtr 2009  NEW DEC 13  
Warren, Arnold H. War Came to the Philippines, Being an Account Chiefly of Events which Transpired During the First Year of the Japanese Occupation of the Philippines, International Philippine Philatelic Society, 2011.  263 pages w/88 linked chapters, 45MB.  IPPS online Book

Un-Published for nearly 70 years

The Philatelic Foundation Expertizing Certificate Archive between 2000 and 2008.  They only have one category at this time lacking the Spanish Philippine era.  This category has 838 certificates. Philippine Community
Annotated Bibliography Of Cuban Philatelic Literature by Ernesto Cuesta.   Over 3,000 citations of articles, journals, and books that deal with Cuban philately totally or partially, some of the latter overlapping with the Spanish Philippines. Internet Version
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